Minnis Bay 2023

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Gold Hill is delighted to be involved with the 129th year of the outreach at Minnis Bay. Read how you can pray for and support the work this year.


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On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9.30 to 12 noon at The Hub we run a Ukrainian café. Coffee, chat, language lessons and support with all aspects of life in the UK.

Join The Evangelical Alliance

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At our day away, Phil Knox encouraged us to join the Evangelical Alliance. An increased membership gives the EA greater influence as it represents a Christian viewpoint to Government. You can join by clicking the image.

Men’s What Next Gathering 30 June-1 July

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On 30 June & 1 July, we will get together again to connect over chat, games, meals and “fill in the details” on how we will better reach, restore and release Men in our community from Autumn 2023. Come see and play your part in the discussion