Your next step
An invitation to connect
Having learnt something about Gold Hill, you may be feeling you want to take the next step and connect with us. How would you like to do that?
Maybe you’d like to start with a chat with a member of the church family, giving you a chance to introduce yourself and ask questions. You may be looking for someone to walk with you through a difficult situation. Please let us know if we can help you.

If you’re not ready for direct contact, but you may prefer to be more loosely connected with the church. You can Stay in Touch by subscribing to our email newsletter, or following us on social media.
For many people, their first experience of church is to attend a Sunday Gathering. Click here to learn more about when these take place, and what to expect when you visit.

Find out more about the ALPHA Course which has helped thousands of people around the world think through issues of faith.
School years 7 and up are part of our extensive programme for Youth.

We have lots going on for children up to Year 6. Find out more.
If you have a disability or other special needs then please take a look at the page describing our approach to Accessibility.