Young Adults (18-30)
Welcome to Young Adults at Gold Hill!
Community is such an important part of life and Church life is no different. We are passionate about gathering together as young adults (18-30 year olds) to build friendships and encourage one another on our faith journeys.
Whether you’re exploring faith, have been a Christian for years, are new to the area or have lived locally for a while – we would love you to join in with our Young Adult activities!
If you would like to be kept in the loop for news about these activities, please get in touch with Liz, Chrissie and Adrian via and/or keep an eye on this page. You can also follow us on Instagram.

What do we have going on?
Bible Study/Prayer
Every other Tuesday 6:30-9pm
Room 8, The Hub
You are welcome to join us for our Young Adults’ Bible Study and Prayer at the Hub! This takes place every other Tuesday. This is a relaxed time where we hang out, eat together, pray for each other, and read and discuss God’s Word.
There is a small charge for food, but please let us know if this is a problem.
Sunday Lunches
One Sunday a Month, after the 10.30 morning Gathering.
Various Locations
Each month we will be eating together after the 10.30 morning Gathering Keep your eyes peeled on our socials to know location and timings so we can book tables!
Social Events
We love spending time together and encourage you to bring friends along. Check out our Instagram to see our upcoming social events!