This page seeks to answer questions you may have if your child has been invited to an event at Gold Hill, or if you’re planning to bring children to one of our gatherings. If you want to chat with us, then we are always happy to hear from you. Contact Shona (over 11s) or Liz (under 11s) with any further questions.
My child has been invited by a friend. Is it safe to allow them to attend?
The church takes safeguarding children very seriously. All our staff and volunteers who come into contact with children have been subjected to DBS checks and trained in Gold Hill’s safeguarding policy. James Simmons is our safeguarding lead and the safeguarding policy is displayed at the reception desk in The Hub.
What arrangements do you have for children in your Sunday gatherings?
Our 10.30 am Sunday gathering has groups for children up to school year 9. Children join the start of the service with their parents or carers and then leave to join their age-specific groups on the top floor of the Hub. Depending on their age and level of confidence, they will either make their own way, or you can go with them. The aim of these groups is to help children experience God themselves. If you’re planning to bring a child for the first time, we would be happy to talk to you so you can prepare your child for what they can expect. Other Sunday gatherings do not include specific provision for children. For young people, we also have our weekly youth gathering ‘Breathe’ – see the youth page for more details.
I’ve heard you run a toddler group – how can I find out more?
Toddler Praise is a welcoming group for under 4s and their parents and carers, which runs on Friday mornings. Click here for further details.
My child is often anxious, can I stay with them?
We want your child to feel as comfortable as possible. Depending on their age, it may be possible for you to stay with him until they are comfortable. Please talk to us first, so we can understand your situation and agree the best way forward.
I’m bringing my baby to a Sunday gathering, but I’m worried they will be noisy.
Please don’t worry! First of all, at Gold Hill, we are quite informal and we love children. Secondly, we have a room specifically set aside for babies where you can see and hear the service, but we won’t be able to hear you.
My child has additional needs.
We hope to be able to make adjustments to cater for your child’s needs. Please contact us before the meeting so we can understand and respond to those needs in a personalised way.
My child has allergies.
Some groups provide children with food and drinks. We always ask for everyone present to have filled in a visitor or registration form, so there is always an opportunity to let us know anything your child shouldn’t be given.