Alpha Course
What is Alpha?
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to ask life’s big questions, such as: Is there more to life than this? What is my purpose? Why is there suffering? Does God exist? What is prayer really? What happens when I die?
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, run over twelve sessions. Each talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation in a fun, no-pressure environment. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.
Each session includes food, a short film and a discussion where you can ask your questions and say what you think with a small group of people just like you. Here is a preview of the Alpha film series that features as part of the course.

About our next Alpha course
At Gold Hill, we run several Alpha courses each year at The Hub (Church Lane, Chalfont St Peter) .
Our current course runs on Monday evenings and started in January 2025. We plan to run at least one other course in 2025. Keep an eye on our website to check for announcements.
Previous participants have commented…
I feel more at peace and discovered a relationship with God…and found new purpose for life.
The films and testimonies were inspirational and the friendships and cakes great!
I feel that attending the Alpha course has ignited a spark to make me want to learn more and more about God…