Representing Jesus around the world
Cross Cultural Mission
We love the world that God has made and the people who live in every place and from every different cultural background.
John 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’
We are committed to demonstrating God’s love and letting people everywhere know about His perfect plans and design for our world, community and individual lives. We are committed to giving everyone the choice to follow Jesus. Gold Hill allocates approximately 15% of its annual budget to support cross cultural mission, which funds a proportion of our cross cultural workers support needs, with the balance needing to be met from other sources and their wider support base.
While our global and local contexts may change, Jesus’ Great Commission to His Church to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations..” (Matt 28 v19) remains as true today as it always has done. As a community of Jesus followers, Gold Hill has always had a heart for the nations. We take Jesus’ commission seriously, bringing our “5 loaves and 2 fishes” to Him to bless and multiply, and sending out those from among us to serve around the globe in His Mission.
Some of our overseas workers serve with a focus on unreached people groups, in countries where Christians are persecuted and in some cases imprisoned. So locations and the nature of ministry may be sensitive.
Through our friendships and involvement in prayer with Jesus followers who are working in cross-cultural situations, we can join in God’s Kingdom work across the nations. The insights that they share with us bring further opportunities for others in our church family to respond and volunteer to also get involved in God’s work around the world. What a blessing to partner together and support each other in the spheres of the influence that God has placed us in.

At Gold Hill, our Cross Cultural Team (CCT), chaired by Bob Willatt, regularly connects with Gold Hill members working cross-culturally, champions prayer and support for them, and is passionate about Jesus’ important last words to make disciples of all nations, encouraging us all to be part of His Great Commission:
Matthew 28:18-20, 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Here are just a few examples of the way we support and work in places around the world.

We have 14 followers of Jesus who are working in other parts of the world and are sent or supported by Gold Hill:
- 8 out of the 14 are remotely based using the internet for their work, they are in senior leadership positions with multiple roles and locations
- 6 people are in specific locations, living with local communities.
- We have a strong legacy of God encouraging and guiding our young people to use their professional qualifications and careers to work in other nations.
- From the current 14 people 46% are “home grown” or spouses of “home grown” Jesus followers who were inspired to follow Jesus internationally.

We are thankful that we have work and connections in many parts of the world covering all the main regional blocks.
Here is a taste of the vision and goals of those working in other parts of the world from Gold Hill:
“Working with Jesus to see broken lives transformed and empowered to make Jesus followers of all nations, in E. Asia and to the ends of the earth.”
“A world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible and people are flourishing in community using the languages they value most”
“Providing quality member care for Jesus followers in Latin America and the UK as they fullfil their calling to serve in the Great Commission”
“Catalyse, connect and collaborate in a global community to mobilise prayer for the 1 in 4 people who have little opportunity to follow Jesus”.
“Making use of appropriate technology in support of the Great Commission. Achieved through Bible translation to the world’s 1.5 billion people without a Bible in a language they can fully understand.”
“Every follower of Jesus embracing all of life as God’s field of mission, including their workplace – making disciples as they go, with a focus on living this out in the least-reached areas of the world.”
“Gathering, disciplining, training and encouraging local believers and seekers in community, and networking between groups of believers to see them grow and take root throughout the West Africa region.”
“Working together in a team, making disciples and forming a church”
“Glorifying God through making missional disciples of Jesus in the field of Christian education so that the gospel would go out to the remaining unreached peoples of a nation in SE Asia”
Would you like to know more about working overseas as a Jesus follower? Or you might be interested to join a local prayer team who support those who are working internationally. For more information, email