A wonderful feature of the life of Gold Hill is that so many people give generously of their time and energy to serve the church as volunteers. This helps us achieve our aim of reaching, restoring and releasing. For the people involved it’s an opportunity to serve Jesus, to grow in their faith, to make new friends and to exercise their gifting
There are many opportunities to serve in the church and we would love as many as possible to be involved in this way. If you’d like to explore this further then please get in touch with the church office or speak to one of the pastors.
There are also many opportunities to volunteer in situations outside the church. We would encourage everyone to ask God how and where He wishes them to spend their time. You can also download this simple guide explaining a bit more about serving.
Opportunities in the church on Sundays
Welcome Team – greeting people as they arrive at a gathering, preparing refreshments, showing people to their seats, answering questions, taking special care of first-time visitors
Worship Team – on stage, playing instruments and/or singing
Technical Team – operating the sound and light systems, projecting words and other images, managing the livestream.
Prayer Ministry Team – being available during and after the gathering to pray with individuals
Practical Team – moving tables and chairs, preparing the baptismal pool and 101 other small jobs.
Children’s Ministry – leading and teaching during the 10.30 am gathering
Youth Ministry – leading and teaching during the 10.30 am gathering
Opportunities during the week
Alpha Courses
Christians Against Poverty debt counselling (training is provided)
Chalfont St Peter Youth Centre
Children’s Ministry
Events Planning
Food Bank
Hub Hosts (welcoming in the building)
Life Group Leadership
Online / Social Media Team
Pastoral Care Team
These are not exhaustive lists. If you have gifts, insights, abilities or skills that you believe may be of use to the church, then please get in touch.