Sunday Gatherings
Every week the church gathers together to worship God and to encourage and spur one another on. We normally meet on Sundays because that was the day when Jesus rose from the dead 2000 years ago.
Our Sunday gatherings are public meetings so you are most welcome to join us. You can take part actively, or you can sit back and observe. Nobody will judge you. Each of our Sunday gatherings has a distinct style – quiet and reflective at 8.45 am, lively and informal at 10.30 am and youth-focused at 6 pm. Our occasional evening services are usually low-key and casual.
Our 10.30 gatherings are live streamed on YouTube. This may be helpful if you want to see what they’re like before attending in person. Many people join online if they are prevented from attending due to health, distance or other issues. If you attend in person, and want to be sure that you don’t appear on the live stream, then you should sit in the left hand block of seats.

We do lots of different things when we gather, but all are there to help us draw closer to God, worshipping Him and impacting us in the process. We worship Him, mostly through music and singing, which helps remind us of the incredible love God has for us and show our gratitude. We spend time learning from the Bible, with someone reading and teaching from it, helping us grow not just in understanding but in our lives as we seek to follow Jesus more closely. We meet with God, in worship and in the Bible, and we are changed by it. As someone recently put it:
“Be soaked, tenderised by the Love of God – then go drench the world with His Love”
We also share communion together, remembering what Jesus did in dying for us. We love celebrating together when people are baptised. We take time chatting and getting to know one another, seeking to build deeper relationships. There is always an opportunity to give financially, because we believe God has given us everything and it’s right to give back to Him. We hear stories of God at work in people’s lives. We give room for God to speak to us by inspiring someone to share something directly from Him. We share our faith with others.
Hopefully you’ll see that for us “going to church” is not a religious ritual. We arrive with the expectation of an encounter with the God who loves us so much that he dies for us. We often leave church changed, refreshed, invigorated and healed.
We’d love you to join us. Click here to find out more.