Meet the Family
At Gold Hill Baptist Church, we are a family of ordinary people from all walks of life. There are far more people than represented below, but here are a few people and families, and a little about them and their stories.

Sarah Jaquiss
I joined Gold Hill in 2021 after moving from Margate to train as a social worker. I’ve loved being involved in the youth ministry and young adults. Gold Hill has been so welcoming and I’ve been so grateful to be part of such a championing church family. I’m so excited to be part of what God’s doing here. Whether you feel like you’re thriving or just about surviving this is a safe place where you can come as you are, explore faith and be discipled in your walk with Jesus.

The Sanderson White family
I (Helen) recently returned to Gold Hill Baptist with my two children, having been a member of the church 20 years ago. We have found the church to be loving and supportive, and we’ve all made new friends. The children are involved with their Sunday groups and have also taken part in the Scripture Union beach mission at Minnis Bay, as well as enjoying church trips away. I’m part of the online Bible Study Fellowship group which has helped me engage more with my Bible reading.

Ruth Giesner
I retired after 40 years of teaching, much of it overseas in mission, and then in an international college in Hertfordshire. Together with my friend Hilary, we chose Gold Hill Baptist as our Church and moved here. Having no family of our own, we soon found many good and lasting friends. I love the worship, and the emphasis on Word and Spirit, and also the range of opportunities to serve God and the community.

The Allen family
God led us to be part of Gold Hill a long time ago and He’s continued to invite us to be part of the family here every time we’ve asked whether it is still the place He has for us. The Church family here have supported us through so many things in our lives, from miscarriages to disability diagnoses, miracle births to life-changing events. Our whole family is loved well here and valued for exactly who they are, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Most importantly for us, this is the place we, as a family and individually, encounter and worship God together and where He inspires and equips us to encounter Him in every other part of our lives.

Alfred Biehler
As a follower of Jesus, I chose Gold Hill about six years ago as my new spiritual home. This turned out to be the very best thing that could have happened to me! I discovered how much God loves me, regardless of what the world tells me. I am learning how to talk more to God and how to hear him guide me every day. I’m rediscovering how Jesus wants us to be His church, authentically loving and serving people I meet in the street, at work and everywhere.
I found fantastic deep friendships with new people from all around the world, from all walks of life, and I even met my wife at Gold Hill ❤.
I work at Google in London and enjoy acapella singing, Lego robotics and my stand up paddle board.

The Rayner family
We have been a part of Gold Hill for many years now and have loved being part of such a vibrant and diverse community. We have been supported over the years in so many different ways and have found great fulfilment in serving in our various roles in the church. Our children have been engaged from a young age and have valued the input from the youth team immeasurably. It has been a place for them to grow spiritually and in confidence and we are very blessed to be involved with such a relevant church that has a very real impact on village life.

Marion Lugard
I have been part of Gold Hill Baptist Church for the past 45 years. I would say it is my 2nd family home, where I have always been welcomed, loved and supported whenever I was in need. I have made many lovely friends, there is always a welcoming atmosphere and wonderful worship and teaching with Jesus right at the centre.